Dreaming of summer: Dresslily Wish List | Nori&Norlis
Hola|Hi|Aloha|Ciao|Salut|你 we hope everything is fine, with so much time for quarantine that we have started creating our new wish lists for this season, we have chosen a little bit of everything, on the DressLily website, from hats / berets to swimwear ( We hope that after the pandemic we will be able to pass some less hectic vacations), with so much free time the buying souls are a little crazy ;). Take care of your pockets and stay home.

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![57% OFF] British Style Buckle Plaid Retro Cadet Cap | Rosegal](https://gloimg.rglcdn.com/rosegal/pdm-product-pic/Clothing/2019/10/15/source-img/20191015154836_19737.jpg)
Backless Color Block Cross Swimsuit
Tie-dye Sun-proof Visor Cap
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