16 Outfit Ideas With a Military Style Jacket
Hola|Hi|Aloha|Ciao|Salut|你 We don’t know why, but military style is something that we obsess over season after season. It is not a question of trends, but of basic everything that revolves around this aesthetic: from military ankle boots, through captain’s hats to Saharan jackets. All these pieces, far from being an item with an expiration date, have become cult garments that we cannot live without in our closet.
This jacket is one of the most versatile options that we can find in terms of upper garments. Its color and its cut, with buttons on the front or knotted at the waist, with a belt, make it possible to combine with all the jeans in our wardrobe: from white pants, one black and the classic indigo blue.We share 16 inspirational looks with a military jacket.
Jacket by Babyonlinewholesale

Credits to Pinterest and Vogue.es