20 Phrases of Feminine Elegance for Women with Style and Dresses that go with them.
Entire books have been written about being elegant, but sometimes you can say more about elegance in a single sentence than in a thousand words. Here you have a selection of the best feminine elegance phrases that have ever been said. Enjoy them.
Phrases of feminine elegance.
“Elegance is not standing out, it is being remembered.”
Giorgio Armani
“Dress vulgar and they will only see the dress, dress elegant and they will see the woman.”
Coco Chanel

“Luxury for me is not having expensive things, but a way of life where you appreciate everything you have.”
Oscar de la Renta

“I have always believed that fashion is not only about making women more beautiful, but about reassuring them, giving them confidence.”
Yves Saint Laurent
“Elegance and style have nothing to do with money.”
Carolina Herrera
“Simplicity, taken to the extreme, becomes elegance.”
jon franklin

“Everything that is fashion goes out of style, style never.”
Coco Chanel
“Elegance is a balance between simplicity, neatness, spontaneity and distinction”.
Christian Dior
“The most important thing to wear is a smile.”
Ann Taylor.
“A woman is never too elegant or too casual in a black dress.”
karl lagerfeld

“Fashion does not exist only in dresses. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.»
Coco Chanel
“When you wear something you feel comfortable in, you move better. That’s why the most important accessory you can have is a full-length mirror.”
Carolina Herrera
“Elegance is more about personality than someone’s clothes.”
Jean Paul Gaultier
“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”
Marilyn Monroe

“People are afraid of accessories, but there’s nothing wrong with adding a belt or a pair of different colored shoes.”
Carolina Herrera
“A good design can withstand the fashion of 10 years.”
Yves Saint Laurent
“Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.”
Mark Jacobs.
“Simplicity is the key to true elegance.” Coco Chanel
“The difference between style and fashion is in quality.”
Giorgio Armani
“Elegance is not defined solely by the clothes you wear. It’s in how you move, how you talk, what you read.”
Carolina Herrera

Do you know more phrases about feminine elegance? Share with us in the comments the phrases of elegant women that you know.