Upside Down or Upside Down Bikini: Where to Find the Trendy Swimwear!
Hola|Hi|Aloha|Ciao|Salut|你 although it could be a DIY trick, the bikini that is on trend is from a very specific brand and has a name: ‘Xena’.

The reverse bikini thing is one of those trends that could be a DIY gesture but is a garment in itself. History repeats itself: first it was the Kardashian-Jenners – this time it was Kourtney and Khloe who were in charge of making it viral – and then the entire planet earth.
Wearing the bikini bra upside down, specifically the one with a triangle shape, could be a trick applicable to any swimsuit of these characteristics but the truth is that it is a very specific bikini and that now, thanks to its popularity, It has been emulated by several firms that have wasted no time when it comes to putting their own versions on sale – whether they are baptized as halter bikinis or bandeau bikinis with straps in the center. The slogan? That they have the shape of two inverted triangles but, above all, that the gathering is not below but in the middle of the chest.
Designs with which you can make your Xena. Babyonlinewholesale
Since last May, the Lyst fashion shopping platform reported on this trend. Popular with sisters Kardashian and Jenner, this trend is growing in interest; demand for upside down bikini tops has increased 49% so far this year. After Khloe Kardashian published an image in April in which she appeared wearing a purple bikini turned upside down, searches for similar pieces increased 150% during that week, “she explained in her report.

Insiders more or less known as Gala Gonzáles and Julieta Padrós have already brought their own versions of this trend. The second one specifically wears the bikini that Khloe Kardashian made viral: the model Xena from the popular swimwear brand Sommer Swim. The same one that has also baptized it as an upside down bikini.