7 rules of etiquette that a Class Lady should know.
From the look to the choice of public places, from the language to the gossip, an elegant lady cannot be confused with a girl: here is a manual of suggestions for proper behavior for all.
Etiquette is that unwritten code that dictates the rules of good taste and cannot be defined as universal, because it changes according to circumstances and age.
For this reason, a lady’s etiquette can be considered “tailored” for her and her actual age, regardless of how old she is.
Because this is the point: even if you feel younger (which is undoubtedly a positive fact) you should never adopt attitudes that do not fit your age, not only so as not to violate the rules of bon ton, but above all so as not to appear ridiculous or worse, pathetic.
Here are some little basic rules to keep in mind so that she always looks like a true lady.
1.Underwear in view.
If at thirty years of age, a touch of lingerie that can be seen from the neckline can make those who wear it look seductive, twenty years later, the risk is not to appear very elegant.

2. sexy clothes.
The above discussion also applies to short dresses, skirts that are too short, plunging slits, or dizzying necklines.
From the age of 35, it would be good to slowly limit yourself to another type of femininity, less daring but more insinuated and therefore even more intriguing. Also because being too sexy never matches the etiquette and being elegant
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3.Closet background.
As we get older, the type of clothes worn must necessarily change: therefore, the space in the closet with knee-length skirts, palazzo pants, slip dresses, soft jackets, kaftans and all those clothes that caress a woman’s figure feminine and elegant way without emphasizing excessively pronounced curves.

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The height of the heels should also gradually decrease, both for aesthetic and healthy speech.
Super high and stiletto heels should not be eliminated at all, but if worn less frequently, they can lead to wider and more comfortable heels, and heights between 8 and 10 centimeters, leaving room for the famous 12 heel just in case. of elegant private events.

Even makeup in a woman’s life must follow an age-related curve.
The real difference between the make-up of a teenager and a lady lies in the fact that while both aim at an extremely natural result, one will have to aim to enhance the freshness given by young people, while the other will aim to correct imperfections, without transforming facial features and without creating the terrible “mask” effect.

Wanting to attend places where the average age is significantly lower than one’s own at all costs can only make us look like the eternal Peter Pan trying to chase an age that has passed.
Better, therefore, cocktails, aperitifs and dinners in trendy clubs but not only frequented by very young people.

Coming home at the crack of dawn like twenty-somethings, risking more than arriving home after perhaps their children, doesn’t suit the lifestyle of a true lady. Sometimes it’s okay to stay up late, but making it a way of life is wrong.